 For the love of the game...

Membership Waiting List Signup

 Place my name on the waiting list.
 Request information only.

 *indicates a required entry
* First Name:*
* Last Name:  *
* Your E-Mail:*
* Verify E-Mail:*
* Birthday: *    (mm-dd-yyyy)         
Home Phone:           Mobile Phone:            Wireless Carrier:     
(for text notifications of schedule delays or cancellations)
Address:             City:            State:            Zip:  
Certified Handicap Index:           Certification Source:             Account Number:   
        - or -
Uncertified Handicap:       (or average score)



General Information:

  • ManageGolf plays golf on Wednesdays with an occasional Monday/Tuesday event.  There are 48 tournaments scheduled this year.
  • New members must be age 50 or over with a golf handicap no higher than 25.
  • Members must play a minimum of 20 tournaments a year to maintain an active status.
  • Tournament entry fees for each event are usually $50.00 (includes green fee, cart fee and prize pool).   Prize money is awarded to 6 places (with handicaps) in up to 6 flights with a full field (128 golfers).
    Prize money is added to the member's ManageGolf bank account.
  • Your certified handicap will be effective immediately and used for net score competition.
    Uncertified handicaps are used for pairing purposes only - you will receive an official NTSGA handicap (using World Handicap System (WHS) guidelines) after three rounds played.
  • Prize money is awarded to closest to the pin winners ($10.00) on all Par 3's and all Holes-in-One ($200.00).
  • Skins Pots (optional) are also offered.  There are two different pots; one for forward and back tee players using net hole scores off the lowest handicap playing, and one for only back tee players using gross hole scores.
    Your hole score must win the hole outright - one tie, all tie.  Members and guests may enter both net and gross skins pot.   Payouts are dependent on the number of participants, and will be distributed at the next tournament site.  Cost is $10.00 per pool.  
  • Two Man Teams competition (optional) is also available.  Pair with another player to compete against all other Two Man Teams, using net scores to determine winners.  Enter as many teams as desired.
    Payouts are distributed at the next tournament site.  Cost is $2.00 for each Two Man Team ($1.00 per player).