 For the love of the game...

Contact Us

Waiting List Signup

Membership Chairman

Tournament Chairman

Net Skins Coordinator

Gross Skins Coordinator

Two Man Teams Coordinator

Handicap Chairman


Other Comments or Questions

General Information:

  • ManageGolf plays golf on Wednesdays with an occasional Monday/Tuesday event. There are 1 tournaments scheduled this year.

  • New members must be age 50 or over with a golf handicap no higher than 25.

  • Members must play a minimum of 20 tournaments a year to maintain an active status.

  • Annual dues for members are $60.00.

  • Tournament entry fees for members are usually $50.00 (includes green fee, cart fee and prize pool).
    Prize money is awarded to 6 places (with handicaps) in up to 6 flights with a full field (128 golfers).
    Prize money is awarded to closest to the pin winners ($10.00) on all Par 3's and all Holes-in-One ($200.00).
    Prize winnings are added to the member's ManageGolf account.

  • Tournament entry fees for guests are usually $40.00 (includes green fee and cart fee).
    Guests are welcomed to play space available after members, but are not eligible to compete for prizes with the exception of the optional Skins and Two Man Teams competition (see below).

  • Skins competition (optional) is also offered.  The number of pools and scoring technique may vary, but will be separate for members playing from the back tees and members playing from the forward tees.
    Skins score calculations may be based either on gross score or net score for each hole, at the determination of the skins coordinator, but you will be advised of the scoring method prior to beginning the round.
    If net skins are used, they may be based off the handicap of the lowest handicap player in that pool, or by using the full handicap for each player.  Your score must win the hole outright - one tie, all tie.
    Payouts are distributed at the next tournament site.  Cost is $10.00.  Payout is dependent on the number of participants.

  • Two Man Teams competition (optional) is also available.  Pair with another player to compete against all other Two Man Teams, using net scores to determine winners. Enter as many teams as desired.
    Payouts are distributed at the next tournament site.  Cost is $2.00 for each Two Man Team ($1.00 per player).

  • We currently have a waiting list, so plan early and sign up now!